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4 HAZEL - Mrs Williams / Mrs Stevens

Mrs Stevens -

Mrs Williams -


You can find out what we are currently learning on our Curriculum Newsletter.


A big welcome to year 4, we are really looking forward to working with your child and you throughout the year. We are proud of the bespoke curriculum that we have developed for year 4 helping them to progress towards upper Key Stage 2. We will be updating the class pages with photos and the exciting things we have been doing as often as possible.


In year 4 we work as a team, we help and support each other as we become more independent learners. We have the St Peters & Clifton Spirit at the heart of what we do and we are proud of our achievements big and small.



Important Information

PE days are Monday & Thursday. The children should bring their PE kit in a bag and will get changed for PE at school on these days. All items should be named. Outdoor kit is required at the moment. 

Spellings are being done in school every morning so your child will not be bringing home a spelling book. They will have a sheet to practise on and the test takes place each Friday.

Reading is a very important skill that the children need to access all areas of the curriculum, you can support us with your child’s reading journey by listening to your child read for 10 minutes every night. This can then be recorded in the reading record.

Homework is given on a weekly basis and needs to be returned to school each Thursday. TTRock Stars will be set every Friday and times table tests will be done regularly. 


We have had a great start to the year and can’t wait to learn and grow together as a class over the next academic year.

Easter Cards

Programming using scratch

PE - Circuit Training

Art - Printing in the style of Angie Lewin

Carol Singing at Elm Lodge

Harvest Festival at St Peter's
